Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Charity Project: Knit Your Bit!

I came across this website via a blog called Knitting for Charity. It is a project called Knit Your Bit through the National WWII Museum that distributes a special V for Victory scarf to veterans across the country with help from the VA Hospital.

I don't know about you all, but I grew up reading those American Girl books and my favorite was Molly, the WWII American Girl. I liked her cause she was smart and bookish. Anyway, in that series, I remember them all getting together and trying to make socks for the soldiers but ended up just making a bunch of squares. They then decided to piece them together to make a blanket.

I also like this charity because you get a nifty little certificate for sending in a scarf for the project. I like certificates too :)

The Knit Your Bit project has two patterns on their website. One for knit and one for crochet. I don't really like the way the crochet one looks so I think I might dust off my knitting needles and use up some of my stash for this project.

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