Thursday, October 4, 2007

Next Meeting: October 9th, 7pm Trident Tech

Next week's meeting will be Oct 9 at Trident Tech, Bldg 920 at 7pm.

920 is the Culinary Arts Building. We meet in the front lobby in front of the Ballrooms.

If you take the Madeline Ave Entrance off of Rivers and park in the first parking lot on the right, you will see the 920 building. This is the closest parking lot to the part of the building where we meet.

Hope to see everyone there!

P.S. I (Dana) may not be there. My aunts and uncles are coming into town next week for a week long visit. I'll try to be there.


jbishop19 said...

See you there!

Niquie said...

I'm going to try to come,I'm not feeling all that great today. We'll see how it all plays out.

Dana said...

I am not feeling too hot today either, but I have to work this morning and I am going to Cypress Gardens this afternoon with my family. I will probably be there though since I need some time to chill out.